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A prize I call "nerd-gold" yes it is the Roomba vacuum cleaner!
for 5$ I now have a machine vacuuming my house, and as an added benefit it occupies my children while I take a nap.
I don't know how long "dusty" (zeke given name) will last due to both boys trying to sit on him and put "trash" in his path, but 5$ was worth it. I do have to buy a battery which costs money but we won't talk about that. I also took a picture of the dirt cleaned up by dusty in one battery charge (I used a battery from the lab). it actually really cleans well, I am impressed. I like the idea of pushing a button and letting dusty do work, gives me hope for a useful future for robotics. If you have a chance, pick one of these babies up (ebay has them pretty cheap).
I must say that the urge to open dusty up and modify a little, is strong, but the urge not to vacuum is stronger.
We like to set dusty to working while we eat, mostly to clean up under Judah as he "eats" and give him something to watch as we stuff him full.
I am teaching Statics this summer, getting ready for that. I am also teaching a help session in physics next fall which is really good news since it will give me a 50% raise which in my salary bracket is still not much, for most, but for us it is a blessing, thanks God. I also just had a meeting with Dean Pulat who said she knows the dean of engineering for K-State, yes a little networking goes a long way! Well on my way to being able to stay in Manhattan KS for the rest of our lives!
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