quite the dancer

Here is a picture of my son dancing with my mom, so sweet. you know he is quite the dancer! the older women to the left is Aunt Van, who will live to be 130 years old out of spite and shear will. The younger woman on the right is my second cousin Elli whom I haven't seen since she was a baby. I really need to spend more time with these people, maybe we will go see them soon they have a lot of good stories to tell.
I am working on some example problems for class on Monday, converting from one unit to another. It seems very simple but I know that I had problems with it when I was that age also.I won't tell them that though.
Ellie is Zeke's second cousin. She's your first cousin once removed. Good picture. I haven't seen her in over 10 years. Donna and Skip stopped by once with the kids; they were in grade school.
I now want a roomba and scooba. Please invent a robot that picks up toys and puts them away because my kids sure aren't doing it. Maybe you can call it a toomba.
Really she is not closely enough related to borrow money from so what does it matter.
I will get to work on the toomba, but I have to say it will probably pick up kids as well, which might work out well.
Ooooh, a robot that deals with a tantrum throwing kid. I like!
Angie needs to make little costumes for the roomba.
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