Thursday, May 10, 2007

Over Unity Magnetic Motor

The other day I was doing something online when I came across an interview with the CEO of a company called stoern in Ireland. Pretty much they were daring anyone to prove their magnetic motor a hoax. For those non engineers over unity means that you get more out of a machine than you put in. In this case it is a motor that spins by itself creating motion from nothing more than magnetic fields. Now every motor does this but needs energy put into it via electricity. These little darlings seemingly spin on their own, even when I write that it makes me shiver due to the slap in the face of science. The first law of Thermodynamics says that you cannot create or destroy energy, just change it from one form to another. Hydrodams change the potential energy of water to electricity. Over unity is what we think to be fictional, just not possible, and in the realm of perpetual motion machines and antigravity. So my beliefs are based on scientific law, which is nothing more than a generalized observation of most everything we have seen to date. It is a good law and has worked, no one credible has challenged it and many rest on it for guidance in research. I wasted about 2 hours of my day watching videos and listening to interviews actually a little fearful of believing any of it, in my world people are put into categories by what they research. If I wanted to study antigravity or the space elevator concept I would be categorized as kooky and probably would not get any job in academia afterwards, even though NASA is currently sponsoring both topics. It would be a scientific burning at the stake kind of thing. The point is, this topic is heresy to engineers and I don't want to believe it but I am intrigued. It would not be the first time heresy has turned out to be right. Science looks for Holy Grails not heresy, the only difference is we are looking for one and will not accept the other. So no doubt Science will throw out its champions to combat this challenge and every scientist and engineer spectator will jeer from their seats and write emotional and bitter comments to the video claims. If the claim is real and true then it will take a while to open the minds of those who see themselves as the science faithful. Science will not approach it with an open mind because of the preconceived laws they adhere to, and rightly so such is science. The magnet motor has been around a while, Tesla even made one supposedly, but Stoern's challenge will force the technology to be looked at by those who would not risk their reputation otherwise. Should be interesting, either this company made a mistake, is lying, or actually has something. The analogy to religion is there, the lunatic, lier, or Lord argument is appropriate.

So I am ordering some rare earth magnets and will try to mimic this research myself. If I am successful then I will make a bigger one to run my house on and retire to arkansas off the grid. Below are some videos that might prove interesting to you and also a excerpt from my journal this morning (my Christian readers will enjoy it more I think).

Also there are several companies actually selling generators already, here is one.

Here is an excerpt from my journal.

"I have been thinking more and more about that motor, amazed at the possibilities and also resisting any notion of it because of fear of being fooled and ridiculed by the smart people around me. What I think I know to be true is really in my way and in conflict with all the evidence I have seen. I have seen countless videos of motors, of companies selling generators based on magnetic motors, of teenagers making them out of duct tape and screwdrivers, interviews with company CEO's daring anyone to prove them wrong. Even if I had one here in my hands that worked I would still have this struggle with believing that motion could come from seemingly nothing, or some source that we have not even considered. It really has opened my eyes to What non christians are going through when hearing about the gospel. It is amazing the blinding force behind going against your world view. It really makes the whole child like faith concept more understandable. Right now my child would have no problem with a over unity magnetic motor because he is not enlightened and has not listened to countless teachers and "experts" tell him over unity is not possible. He is not hampered by what science thinks it knows to be true in every case. Unlike me he can accept its simplicity and design without qualms without the struggle and conflict. When we ask a person to accept Christ we are asking a great deal, we are asking them to jump a huge chasm of faith to go against what the world has told them their whole lives. they can have all the evidence in the world and know of all the abundant life, eternal rewards, peace, and security from following Christ, yet it is still a huge risk and struggle. The over-unity magnetic motor may turn out to be a hoax but I have learned something about thinking outside world view box both spiritually and in engineering. "

Enjoy your Paradigm while you can.


At 8:25 PM, Blogger expatAaron said...

I don't remember you thinking that deep in college, Dan. :D

Thanks for sharing these insights. I wish that we had the chance to talk philosophy and such in person once again. Hopefully next time we're in the US. Although if we're going to talk about deep subjects I will have to insist you wear decent clothes...

At 4:28 AM, Blogger Flippo said...

Maybe I can borrow some from you? oh wait you don't loan your clothes out but you do borrow others....hmmm

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.


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