Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Been busy

Sorry that I haven't been here for a while. Been in Kansas and busy with work. a lot to say so I will put in bullets.
*The campus was in lockdown yesterday morning because someone called in a suspicious looking character carrying what may have been a gun. by lockdown I mean we could not leave the building. 45 minutes later we were released and an email was sent out explaining the matter more fully. Evidently the assailant was a white balding male with a yellow shirt carrying what could be a weapon or a yoga mat. I for one took offense at this saying that they were profiling bald guys. Well the balding man later turned himself in siting that he didn't know that carrying an umbrella was such an offense. I sure that he will sue and tell Oprah about all his trauma. In the end though there were a lot of happy undergrads who didn't have to go to class, and the man who I like to call "The Penguin" went free.
*Kansas was fun, it snowed both weekends we were there. Last weekend The Rocco's got 4 inches and then it turned warm and melted into a huge mess. I did get to work on the trail some in my new garage sale work boots that gave me a blister. I rode what we have so far and it was 1.8 miles. I think we could add another half mile onto that for the East side of the farm, the West side would probably double the East giving us about 5 miles total.
*Looks like I will be here longer than I had hoped. Those who care should expect me to be here for another year and a half, and since colleges don't interview in the fall we will probably stay and write some more papers and interview in that spring, giving us 2 years left in the great college of OU. We are ok with this, no one should cut short such a wonderful job. God is providing money for us and has exceeded our imagination. I might be doing some consulting for MSC (they write Nastran and Adams software) this summer in a very lucrative job. That will look good on the resume as well.
*6 hour race this weekend, not ready for it but will go out with a bang. Thinking about pulling off the trail when I get tired and harassing the other riders with rocks and discouraging remarks as they ride by. I hope my work boot blister does not factor in to my performance.
*that is all for now, thanks for sticking with me.


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