Greetings you employed people. To the left you will see my inlaws and family strolling down the aggieville equivalent in Norman. I think we were on our way to dinner via the ice cream store. It was a good time, thanks Rocco's.
Well these last few weeks have been good, we went home to Wichita for a long weekend due to a wedding that we went to on Saturday in Clay Center KS They have a real tank on display in there city park and a Zoo which is outstanding due to the population being 4500. We are planning on going back to Kansas next weekend for Angie reunion.
Hopefully next blog report I will have a picture on my fabulous basement office accomodations. I was thinking of putting a web cam in my office for all to see just to keep me working. I wouldn't tell my office mate Brandon just to get him back for taking my textbook.
I took my two midterms this last week, hopefully they went well. One of them was pretty difficult to say the least. Who knew there was so much to Astronomy, I thought it was just looking up.