Emmons Creek the venue
So we are considering doing a venue site at our place, could be weddings, barn dances, etc. We have had one wedding so far, it was a lot of fun. We had Scottish dancing and everything. Here are some pictures after our Hay is cut, wondering about hay season weddings? will it catch on?
Back to school in the COVID era
Here is a letter I sent to all my advisees:
Hello gang
Dr F here. I wanted to send a note to all my advisees and see how you were doing and to say that if you have any questions let me know. Its a crazy year and we will do our best to meet it head on and with as much wisdom and humor as we can.
Your professors should have sent out plans for their classes as to when and how they will meet. Please contact me or them with any confirmation on confusing aspects.
Things have changed a bit, just so that you won't be shocked when you get here. There are signs on everydoor with the mask policy as well as directions on how to move through the hallway (stay to the right). Some of these procedures may strike you as a little over the top but KSU is doing its best to keep you safe and give you an outstanding education.
Some fun ideas for masks for you (these are free ideas btw):
1) Write you phone number on your mask so that maybe you can get a date in the hallway, (but please stay 6 feet away from each other on the date)
2) Scent your masks with something minty to mask any of your fellow student's odors, my wife could supply some essential oils for this purpose, although it might make you loopy
3) Sell advertisement space on your mask. This would be a good way to suppliment your educational costs.
4) Forget the mask and go for the full helmet with visor, this would have the added benefit of protecting your head from lab experiements gone awry
5) have som extra masks for your friends in case they forget theirs (and you know they will), these masks can have fun sayings on them like "say hello to mr contageous" and "I have a fever and shortness of breath"
Well those are free, I will charge for other ideas. email me back and tell me how your Summer has gone and what your thoughts are on the Fall semester.
I look forward to seeing you (from 6 feet away) on campus.
the old curricula vitai
not even sure I spelled that right, why can't they call it something like "expanded pain in the rear resume that I doubt anyone reads!" maybe too long....
any way I am currently writing my CV, to start applying for jobs. I will do a blanket approach and apply any where I have an address for! so if you get one in the mail and you don't have a job opening, pass it on.
still trying to finish by May, not sure though. Some things have to happen and I have to figure out a model for my project.
Glad to be an american
A guy I know from college wrote this on my facebook wall in response to my saying that I was grateful that I got to vote, I thought it was really good perspective.
Jay Goodwin at 10:49am November 5
And without any riots, coups, and insurrections. It always amazes me how we take the transition of power for granted here when you look at the difficulties other countries have in doing so peacefully.
Sure you'll have loons that claim BUSHITLER is going to suspend the Constitution with the Patriot Act and become dictator for life, but they are an insignificant minority. Almost the entirety of the populace just takes for granted the fact that a transition from one leader to another will be peaceful and that the newly elected President, whether from our party or not, is _our_ President.
As I thought last night while watching the Obama speech... I'm awfully proud that once again America puts paid to the lie that we are a racist country, but d*** I wish we would've elected someone that agrees with me. ;)
Really true, my guy lost but I am grateful for the chance to vote and disagree. I voted now for the next four years I will disagree. :) but that is different than complaining. I have a right to complain and disagree, but complaining won't help this country.
One commentator posed an interesting question, if they would have tied then the congress would have voted with Cheney giving the last vote, and he thought it would be Obama with Palin as VP. That would be an interesting team, the fights they would have. She would have to get out her gun.
Wee America
for my democratic family members you may not want to read this since it will probably make you mad at me and cause me to lose out on christmas presents.
Well the guy I voted against won, I am really afraid for our country but more than that I am proud of it. Angie has a friend from China that Angie was able to share with about voting and electing our leaders, made us proud that we get to vote and be a part of what direction our nation takes. I really do wish Obama the best because now he is the leader of my nation.
Matt and I were discussing that we will probably have to go back to school again since there will be no jobs out there and welfare will pay well!
Here are some predictions that I really hope that I am wrong about:
If we show a weak hand in world affairs North Korea will attack South Korea, China will finally take over Taiwan that they have been eyeing for the last 50 years. Israel will be attacked by Iran and Russia (but they will hold their own).
If the tax rates go into effect we will see double digit unemployment and inflation.
Plans are underway for the government to take over our 401k's at a pre August level with a proposed 3% return and replace it with social security.
The deficit will continue to rise (this would have happened under McCain as well)
Again I hope I am wrong. We shall see, good news is that the campaign is over and people can take down all their signs. I would be happy to say I was wrong about all this if Obama turns out to be a good leader, I don't envy him right now I think anyone who wants to be president is nuts.
If the next 4 years are bad... well then Hello Madam President Palin!
Tired of their Gimmick!

So I have owned two Sonicare tooth brushes. I really like these things, cause they really do clean better. One problem though is that their little Ni-Cad batteries wear out. Are they replaceable ...No. They are even glued in, inside a case that is glued. This is a gimmick!
My second SC tooth brush just went, so I took matters into my highly technical fiscally responsible brain. I did surgery on the little device and added two new ni cad batteries on the outside. I like to call this "artificial battery enhancement" or in slang "A battery job". The reasons are more than cosmetic in this case, although I am thinking of putting more batteries on there so that I can brush for a month without charging, although I might have to use two hands when using it. I have to admit I haven't charged it yet or tried it, nor has Angie seen it. Her objections won't stand up to the 80$ price tag of a new one, but I have to ready myself for her cosmetic caveats and paper bullets of the brain.
More good news is that Aunt Silvi has found yet another roomba for us, this makes 3 so far. I only have two batteries though, but soon I will have a whole fleet of them much like the scouring bubbles! We named this one Dirty Harry to go with the other one named Dirty Harriet. I may attach magic markers on them and the boys and I can play "don't marked on by the robot bad guys".
I am learning how to program serial communication, which means I can have my computer talk to a circuit and have it do stuff, like reprogram my roombas! I am not there yet but soon.
I will also be sending out resumes soon, if you get one go ahead and hire me or pass it onto someone that can.
Politically I have been forming views and keeping up, this is a first for me:
If you are a liberal and get mad easily, don't read this.
McCain-don't like him, (ok so liberal wont get mad here.)
Palin-Love her, excited that she is coming into the picture. Wish she was the president. This whole lack of experience is a bit baffling to me, Wasn't Clinton a gov?, bush, carter, reagan? did they have foreign experience? does Obama? She has more executive experience and energy experience than any of them, as well as a higher security clearance for being the governor of Alaska (sit in on early warning briefings). She doesn't have Washington experience, this is also a plus to me. I am not happy with our washington crowd.
Obama-He is slick, I don't like the socialist views nor that he could very easily take us there with a super majority. He is untouchable, Ayers, Acorn, Wright, and this new character that was the voice of the PLO still can't bring him down. Maybe Joe the plumber can?
Joe the Plumber-who cares that he has paid his child support? he asked a good question. Now he might have a recording contract. what a country. Quite the opportunist, but that is not why he asked the question.
Biden-I kind of like him, not as a president but as a guy that places his foot in his mouth often.
Credit Crisis-Community Restoration (?) act in the 70's and then with amendments in 94 to give the government power to make banks make bad loans(which Acorn was involved in). As far as blame, who knows. every president since Carter, every congress and senate since then as well, but bush is not the only one. The economy is really helping Obama, but the redistribution thing might make things more interesting.
Hollywood-they have really come out to play with this election, but there are a few conservatives that I didn't know about that are hitting it hard. The lady from everyone loves raymond, Robert Davi (profiler), I think gary sinease, and there was some others also that I can't remember.
At least that is my take on things, and it might change, or probably will.