Friday, September 12, 2008

must be fair

I got this email today, I wonder if they saw my Palin blog?

TO: All Students, Faculty, and Staff

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

With the political season in full swing, the University wishes to remind you of certain regulations affecting state agencies and the use of the University's email/network systems for political campaigns. As a state agency, the University must ensure it respects the rights of all political candidates, their representatives and others. In furtherance of this, the University may not endorse or oppose a particular candidate for office. This includes the use by its faculty, staff and students of its email and network systems. Please be mindful that University email/network systems may not be used to endorse or oppose a candidate, including the forwarding of political humor/commentary. The University's email/network system is a state resource and must be used for educational and business purposes, recognizing a limited personal use. This personal use may not include political issues outside of the educational context as it places the University at risk of losing its tax exempt status. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Nick Hathaway
Executive Vice President and
Vice President Administration and Finance

I wonder what they will think of me putting this email online?


At 4:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...




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