Sarah the Barracuda

Her daughter is pregnant out of wedlock, which is sad. I feel sorry for the daughter, many feel that should be off limits as far as a campaign, I think that is naive to expect that especially with the media. I hope that Palin wins and starts selling off government on ebay. I think that NASA should go and become just a regulatory agency for all the less expensive companies that do things faster, I think that the post office should scale back and just do letters and let the companies handle packages. We are a capitalist country let the companies do things cheaper and better. I think that the government should stay out of health care, and charity, that if you are not looking for a job then you should not get money. The bad thing is that McCain is not a small government guy, he is more democrat than republican. I don't often talk of political things but I felt I must today. If McCain wins it will be because of Palin, no doubt. He is now ahead of Obama in the polls due to her alone. I heard a rumor that Obama should drop biden and pick up hillary for VP... just a rumor I doubt he would do that.
yeah, if they get elected, i hope that the barracuda will be able to keep Jmac on the straight and narrow. I am a little worried that a president mccain might go back to his liberal ways... that wouldn't be good for palin. But it was a brilliant strategic move to select her,.. very mavericky.
Oh, I was going to leave you a comment on just what I think of your political leanings but the furnace guy came to check our furnace so now I'm thinking better about it.
Your oh-so-liberal know which one.
I'm going to thump on the head when I see you at Christmas. But I won't bring up politics since it's been outlawed as a topic of conversation along with salaries ever since you told everyone at the swimming pool how much I made when you were 8.
I have to ask do you really think the country is better off now than it was 8 years ago? Just asking.
Everyone at the swimming pool had a right to know how much you made... free speech remember.
second no one explicitly told me that rule about blabbing.
bring it on at Christmas, as long as you bring presents.
Since you asked about the country now as opposed to 8 years ago I will tell you.
I actually do think we are better off, I know that is a very unpopular viewpoint. 8 years ago the country was heading into a recession with the dot coms going bust before bush got his budget in. I think that his tax relief is the only way we got out of that and the financial hit that 9-11 gave us. I think that his foreign policy has helped America not get involved with the UN and their corruption and complacency. Russia and France were involved in the scandal with Iraq and didn't want us to act on the 17 resolutions that the UN made but never acted on over the 12 years that hussain thumbed his nose. I actually agree with the war in Iraq and that pulling out now would make things worse since a fanatical government would fill the void there instead of Hussain who was just a tyrant. I do think that George Senior should have done it the first time but I think he was scared of the political damage. I think that Clinton in the Somalia debacle convinced the world that we had no stomach for wars and that we wouldn't do anything in retaliation for an attack such as 9-11. I think that it is amazing that we have suffered no attacks since. Although there have been 20 attempts made since that have been foiled. I don't trust anyone else to keep that up and it scares me that the policy might change with a new president. Clinton also hurt America with his scandals which I won't say anymore.
I also have some problems with Bush Jr, he is not the reformer that I would like. In fact the republican party is not that interested in making the gov smaller which bugs me. I don't know why we want to be like the european countries where the huge socialist government owns everything and taxes and unemployment are high.
I think government should be as small as possible with the least taxes possible I think that rich people should be taxed at the same rate (%) as poor people. 10% of nothing (poor) is nothing. Rich people ggive poor people jobs. I think that the taxing of rich people has become a selling point for votes (both sides). The fair tax needs to be implemented and the IRS vastly reduced to stop the non-value work done in taking the taxes.
If healthcare became a government organization then it probably would be cheaper, but it would not be as good and would lack the benefits to the elderly.
I think Clinton was a good politician, he was good as getting out of trouble. Even today people think that he got a bad rap for messing around in office, which he also lied about in a deposition. I am tired of all politicians and wish we had leaders that didn't care about their party as much as the country. I wish the nominees would tell us exactly what they thought and believed without worrying who they alienate. That is not all their fault since the media picks up on the slightest things. Just tired of it.
Another unpopular viewpoint (one that would ge me in trouble here) is that I really don't see the proof that we are headed for global warming. The people I have talked to (meteorology, science) say that they think something is changing but they can't say it is because of humans. I do think we need to take care of this planet, but right I see the whole Green-ticket as a fashionable cause.
I do think that Hillary will actually hurt Obama's campaign in the long run.
I don't agree with the McCain lipstick ad, since that is clearly not what Obama was talking about. Nor do I see how Palins point of community service comment could be taken as racists?
Oh also, I think that when presidents and congressmen are no longer in office they should have to get jobs to support themselves without us paying for their retirement.
Well that is about all I can think of, thanks for asking. Hope you are not too embarrassed to have family that thinks this way. I know we disagree but that is ok with me.
McCain's temper scares me...a lot. We don't need a war in Iran on top of Iraq and Bush has actually quietly stepped back from engaging Iran. There's a lot to dislike about our government and plenty of blame to go around to both parties. I just don't think McCain is enough of a "change". I disagree with you on the environment. Yes, it's a fashionable cause right now...why I'm not really sure, but everyone is jumping on the band wagon. But the damage we've done to our environment is obvious. The fixes; not so obvious. If nothing else, we need to get away from our dependence on foreign oil. Offshore drilling is popular topic right now and with enough safeguards, maybe it's a good idea. It just won't help that much. We as Americans have a lot to fix...our reputation in the world has taken a real beating and we can thank Bushie for that. He has been way too arrogant and McCain is also. Bush has done really good work in Africa and hopefully that will be continued.
I thought academias were automatically liberal. Do your fellow professors know how conservative you are? Though, that may not hold in Oklahoma. I, for one, keep my democratic leanings to myself in this upper middle class neighborhood.
See you at Christmas, I'm going to thump you on the head with a turkey leg.
Oh, we didn't even talk about the government response to Katrina. SHAMEFUL!
Your right about the liberal academias. My classmates and I stay quiet, our professor is pretty far left and has really been vocal about it but he never asks us what we think, so we are quiet. I have a committee member professor that says she can't stand conservatives, I am not going to show my colors until she signs my doctorate.
There is a lot of grumbling about Bush's NASA initiative of going to Mars. I do think that we need to retire the shuttle and go back to the Main rocket, but he should get rid of NASA altogether and pay companies to do the same thing.
I have a feeling that a few new technologies are about to surface that will make oil unnecessary and they don't involve hydrogen but it will take a while. The electric car is a good idea but the tech is not there yet, the batteries are too expensive, are toxic, and will not last very long. Higher oil prices do have some benefits, these american oil towns are doing well and people are being more careful about driving so we don't have to buy so much oil from other countries, but why not a diesel price cut for the truckers? I have no problem in drilling offshore or in anwar, I don't know how much it will help in the long run if don't pursue technology for better energy.
I agree that Bush shows the world a different America than Clinton did, but I think they respect us now (but maybe not like us) instead of laughs at us. I am afraid of Obama's wanting to negotiate with those countries that only want us dead, I just don't see that working.
by the way we never have turkey legs!
You are right!
About the turkey legs. Maybe I could pelt you with Mom's dinner rolls but then I wouldn't be able to eat them so that won't work. Besides they are too soft; it wouldn't hurt enough.
I'm going to think of some "special" Christmas gifts for you.
If it's any consolation, I'm going to a neighborhood party tomorrow. I'm sure I'll have to keep liberal leanings under wraps.
You should work for AT&T; they love conservatives.
Have fun at your party, you can roll your eyes at those right wingers when they are not looking. Call them pigs with lipstick!
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