fighting for colors

Pictured here is my newest garage sale find, yep it is a official shriners hat. Apparently of the Abu Behr clan. Angie was against investing 2 dollars (they started at 3) in such a find but I held out. That night I had a dream that the shriners were coming after me and beating me up because I had one of their hats. turns out you can purchase them easily on ebay, so I have nothing to worry about. I haven't taken a picture yet of Angie with it yet, it might be hard to get her to wear it.
I also put up a picture of Judah practicing his powercat symbol. We see it as very important that the boys learn how to do the powercat before reading or writing and in Norman it is important to write it fast and then run.
now you need a miniature car to go with that hat.
that would be a neat white elephant gift too.
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