Monday, July 07, 2008

Working hard on the farm

Not sure where the fake cow milking picture was taken? the other is Zeke making something in the kitchen, he is pretty good at making pies. 
I took a load of scrap iron this morning to Salina and made almost 400$ from it. of course I had to drive the old dump truck, while listening to the GPS device bossing me around, trying to get me to go on the highway where I didn't want to take a 40 mph sanford and sons farming machine. I bet the the old farm has about 3-4 more loads like that of scrap. I may have to start going covertly to the neighbors to clean up their farms. My mug of water spilled on the seat and soaked my shorts as I was driving, I stopped and stripped and hung the shorts by the belt on the mirror to dry in the breeze. it worked pretty well, although it didn't help my thirst. I also cleared out a fence row yesterday to put up a fence, I had to use the wench on the 4 wheeler which is always fun while listening to a book on tape with my new ipod! 
I got stung by a wasp on the junk pile over the weekend, since then I have given no quarter to the little pain givers. I bought a whole box of bug bombs that I lit off in the shop all at once. I was hoping to look out and see the fog coming out of the vents but that didn't happen. I may have to revert to the diesel in the carburetor while parked in the shop method that my dad so much favors. I also have carried around a fog bottle to shoot down any bogies I see, which I must admit is hard but therapeutic when I down one. my inlaws are convinced that I am going to keel over from a reaction to the stings even though I have no swelling now, so I have been faking fainting spells and incoherency to give them something to be concerned about. All in all it has been a good summer here I have the shop about half cleaned, every one is impressed that they can actually walk to the workbench. Vince now comes to me to ask where things are, not sure what he thinks of that. He is pretty patient with me, if I can just keep him from pulling items out my scrap iron to save!


At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is supposed to read - un-named relative.. oops..

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Okay, just to make sure I'm picturing this correctly. Your shorts were hanging on the outside of the truck by the belt while you were driving in your underwear? Is that correct?

While you're cleaning out shops, do Dads too. Just a friendly suggestion.

Wasps are evil.

Your city-dwelling, retired sister.


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