
Not sure if I have mentioned this or not but we are getting a mini van, Yes I am giving away the last of my manlyness in the name of convenience and practicality, and actually looking forward to it. Some very dear friends of ours are giving us their van! They have been praying about it for a while and thought this is what God was leading them to do. Yeah God! now if only Matt Roman would listen to God and hand over his bike to me!
We will be selling the Jeep so if anyone wants it, it is a great car and real macho but gets about 17mpg highway.
We are also getting Angie's little car going (read the below poem) and paying to have the AC installed, I will be driving this little 35 mpg jewel all summer back and forth to Kansas. Angie and the boys will stay mostly in Kansas while I go back and forth. Some would call this quality time with family, I just call it mooching!
The SWEET machine is going well, I go through times of thinking "this thing will never work and I will never graduate" to "hey this is not bad I could be out of here soon" if all things go well I could graduate next May. This date keeps getting pushed back farther and farther. If we get the X prize project (we build the rover that will hopefully go to the moon) then I will be here longer most likely. I have switched my emphasis of my dissertation to the machine now, which will save a lot of time and work. Some of my committee might not like it that I have done this, but maybe they won't ask as many questions when I defend.
The other picture is our little contraption to watch movies on the wall outside. Yes it is a ironing board, but who really uses these anymore really! we are a big hit with our neighbors. Good way to meet people. We have this gang of Asian little girls that roam the apartments, cheeky little women they are. They will walk in and pretty much demand snacks, which bothers me. I have been ordered around by enough Chinese women to be sick of it. Zeke likes them of course. He is getting old enough to play with other kids, I am starting to realize this and missing him some. We are having to start to protect time just with our family.
Zeke playing in the mud and coming over to mommy "I need some more dam sticks"
Congratulations on the move to a superior mode of transportation...
Dan Flippo-
I can relate to the Minivan - just got one last November. Can't believe it's been over ten years since we tromped off to China. Couldn't find your email but found this blog. Google me sometime and drop me an email. "Kevin Garrison - UCA"
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