Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Still here but can't talk righ......

Judah has a fever and what a bad sick person he is, what a crank.
We are tired.
Grading day today, makes me tired and sick, what a crank

Some of these students just can't remember to put their name on a program, It is 10% of their grade.

I hosted a make up exam for 7 students, most of which forgot their computers (after 2 weeks of us telling them to bring it) during the real test. One kid was a no show, and 2 forgot their computers. One of these has been sick so.... but the other??? I try to thnk back to my undergrad years and ask would I forget a computer to a make up exam that I had to take cause I forgot my computer?
I saved their tests on a USB drive and lost that over the weekend, what a bad monday that was. Here I was feeling jsutified about making fun of these undergrads and I do something like lose their tests. Anyway I got the tests back from them so no hard done except for my new USB drive was lost. Maybe Mat Roman took it.... he was very jealous when I showed it to him....maybe he couldn't help himself. I feel that I must go through his stuff yet again to make sure he didn't take it. Tough love.

went riding again this last Sunday, Matt thougholy thrashed me again. Makes me want to kick his spokes in... again.


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