Thursday, April 17, 2008

Out for a blog

Still here in Oklahoma, been a long time since I blogged. Here is an update.

-not graduated
-have hair
-not riding much
-2 kids, same kids
-1 wife, same wife
-thinking of taking of cattle ranching, once I get past my hatred of cows. 
-the SWEET testing apparatus is working and testing, still got a lot to do

I was in a grad student poster session a couple weeks ago and got second, I was all excited for 2 weeks cause I thought I was invited to a luncheon and maybe inline for some cash reward. well the day of the lunch I got an email saying that it was only for the 1st place winners (as opposed to us losers) and that my certificate was in the mail (I am now contemplating placing it in the trash) ... no money... no free lunch. Maybe I should have my own lunch and give myself some money. I could come up with a nice speech also. 
Right now I am in lab babysitting, I should be working on the project that they are working so that I could be of better use to them. All I can think is "when are they going home for the summer?" I didn't think I was so bitter...... must have been wrong about that. my present mood could be affected by my throbbing leg that I smacked on my bike peddle doing a sweet jump, my whole shin bone is sore. 
I just challenged the machine shop director and his assistant to a summer long tournament of washers. Washers is a poor mans horse shoe game, except without  the big holes in the ground that OU landscaping would not appreciate. I have never played washers, but I think it would be a good lunch time affair this summer.... when all the pesky students are gone. 


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